concrete fence posts

What Color to Paint Concrete Fence Posts: Expert Recommendations and Tips

Concrete fence posts are a popular choice for homeowners who want a durable and long-lasting fence. However, the plain grey color of concrete can be unappealing and may not match the aesthetic of the surrounding landscape. Painting concrete fence posts is a simple and cost-effective way to add color and style to your fence while also protecting the posts from weather damage.

When it comes to choosing the right color for your concrete fence posts, there are several factors to consider. The color should complement the overall look of your property, as well as the style and color of your home and other outdoor features. Additionally, it’s important to choose a paint that is specifically designed for use on concrete surfaces to ensure it adheres properly and provides long-lasting protection.

Key Takeaways

  • Painting concrete fence posts is an easy way to add color and style to your fence while also protecting the posts from weather damage.
  • When choosing a color, consider the overall look of your property and choose a paint that is specifically designed for use on concrete surfaces.
  • Proper preparation, including cleaning and priming the surface, is essential for achieving a long-lasting and professional-looking finish.

Understanding Concrete Fence Posts

Concrete fence posts are a popular choice for homeowners and businesses alike due to their durability and low maintenance requirements. They are typically used to support fence panels and can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes to accommodate different fencing styles.

Concrete fence posts are made from a mixture of cement, sand, and water, which is poured into a mold and left to cure. The resulting posts are strong and long-lasting, making them a reliable choice for fencing projects.

When it comes to painting concrete fence posts, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to choose a paint that is specifically designed for use on concrete surfaces. This will ensure that the paint adheres properly and provides long-lasting coverage.

Another consideration is the color of the paint. While white is a popular choice for concrete fence posts, there are many other colors available to choose from. Some people prefer to match the color of their fence panels, while others opt for a contrasting color to add visual interest.

In addition to choosing the right paint and color, it is important to properly prepare the surface of the concrete fence posts before painting. This may involve cleaning the posts to remove dirt and debris, as well as sanding or filling any cracks or imperfections in the surface.

Overall, understanding the basics of concrete fence posts can help homeowners and businesses make informed decisions when it comes to painting and maintaining their fencing. By choosing the right paint and properly preparing the surface, concrete fence posts can be transformed into a beautiful and functional part of any property.

Why Paint Concrete Fence Posts

Concrete fence posts are a popular choice for homeowners who want a durable and long-lasting fence. However, while concrete is strong and resistant to weathering, it can be unsightly and unappealing to look at. This is where painting comes in. Painting concrete fence posts can not only improve the appearance of the fence, but it can also provide additional benefits.

Firstly, painting concrete fence posts can help protect them from the elements. Concrete is porous, which means it can absorb water and other liquids. Over time, this can cause the concrete to weaken and crack. By painting the posts, you can create a barrier that will prevent moisture from getting into the concrete and causing damage.

Secondly, painting concrete fence posts can help them blend in with their surroundings. If you have a fence that is made of other materials, such as wood or metal, painting the concrete posts can help them match the rest of the fence. This can create a more cohesive and aesthetically pleasing look.

Finally, painting concrete fence posts can help prolong their lifespan. By protecting them from the elements and preventing moisture from getting into the concrete, you can help ensure that they last for many years to come. This can save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to replace the posts as often.

Overall, painting concrete fence posts is a simple and effective way to improve the appearance of your fence and protect it from damage. With the right paint and application technique, you can create a durable and attractive finish that will last for years to come.

Choosing the Right Paint for Concrete

When it comes to painting concrete fence posts, it is important to choose the right paint to ensure a long-lasting finish. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right paint for concrete:

Surface Preparation

Before applying any paint, the surface of the concrete fence post must be properly prepared. This includes cleaning the surface of any dirt, debris, or loose paint. Any cracks or holes in the concrete should be filled with a suitable filler. Once the surface is clean and dry, it should be sanded to create a rough surface that will help the paint adhere better.

Type of Paint

There are different types of paint that can be used on concrete, including acrylic, epoxy, and latex. Acrylic paint is a good choice for concrete fence posts as it is durable and weather-resistant. Epoxy paint is another option, but it requires a primer and can be more expensive. Latex paint is not recommended for concrete as it is not as durable as other types of paint.


When choosing a color for the concrete fence posts, it is important to consider the surroundings and the overall aesthetic of the property. Neutral colors like gray or beige are popular choices as they blend in well with the environment. However, brighter colors can be used to add a pop of color or to make the fence posts stand out.


The paint should be applied in thin, even coats to ensure a smooth finish. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and drying time. It is also recommended to apply a second coat for added durability.

In summary, choosing the right paint for concrete fence posts involves considering factors such as surface preparation, type of paint, color, and application. By taking these factors into account, a long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing finish can be achieved.

Colour Selection for Concrete Fence Posts

When it comes to painting concrete fence posts, selecting the right colour can be a challenging task. The colour of the fence posts can significantly impact the overall look of the fence and the property. Therefore, it is essential to choose a colour that complements the surrounding environment and enhances the curb appeal of the property.

One of the primary factors to consider when selecting a colour for concrete fence posts is the colour of the house or building. Choosing a colour that matches or complements the building’s colour can create a cohesive and unified look. For instance, if the house has a neutral colour scheme, painting the fence posts in a similar shade can create a seamless transition between the two.

Another factor to consider is the surrounding landscape. The colour of the fence posts should blend in with the natural environment. For example, if the property has a lot of greenery, painting the fence posts in a green or brown shade can help them blend in with the surroundings.

When selecting a colour for concrete fence posts, it is also essential to consider the type of paint used. Not all paint types are suitable for painting concrete surfaces. It is recommended to use a paint that is specifically formulated for concrete surfaces to ensure long-lasting results.

In conclusion, selecting the right colour for concrete fence posts can be a challenging task. However, by considering factors such as the building’s colour, surrounding landscape, and paint type, one can choose a colour that enhances the curb appeal of the property and creates a cohesive look.

Preparation Before Painting

Cleaning the Concrete

Before painting concrete fence posts, it is important to ensure that the surface is clean and free from any dirt, dust, or debris. This will help the paint adhere better to the surface and prevent any peeling or flaking in the future.

To clean the concrete, start by using a stiff-bristled brush to remove any loose dirt or debris. Next, use a power washer or hose to rinse off the surface. For more stubborn stains or dirt, use a mixture of water and mild detergent to scrub the surface with a brush. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow the surface to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

Applying Primer

Once the concrete fence posts are clean and dry, it is important to apply a primer before painting. Primer helps to seal the surface and provides a better surface for the paint to adhere to.

Choose a primer that is specifically designed for use on concrete surfaces. Apply the primer evenly using a brush or roller, making sure to cover the entire surface of the fence post. Allow the primer to dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions before proceeding to the next step.

By properly cleaning and priming the concrete fence posts before painting, you can ensure a long-lasting and durable finish.

Step-by-Step Painting Guide

Applying the First Coat

When painting concrete fence posts, it’s important to start with a clean and dry surface. Begin by removing any dirt, debris, or loose paint with a wire brush or pressure washer. Allow the surface to dry completely before proceeding.

Next, apply a coat of concrete primer to the fence post using a paintbrush or roller. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and drying time. Allow the primer to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Second Coat Application

Once the primer has dried, it’s time to apply the first coat of paint. Choose a high-quality exterior paint that is specifically designed for use on concrete surfaces. Apply the paint in thin, even coats using a paintbrush or roller. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and drying time.

After the first coat has dried, apply a second coat of paint in the same manner. This will help to ensure that the fence post is fully covered and protected from the elements.

In conclusion, painting concrete fence posts is a simple and effective way to improve the look and durability of your fence. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can achieve a professional-looking finish that will last for years to come.

Maintaining Painted Concrete Fence Posts

Once the concrete fence posts have been painted, it is important to maintain them to ensure that the paint continues to look good and protect the posts from the elements. Here are a few tips on maintaining painted concrete fence posts:

  • Regular Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the painted concrete fence posts is essential to maintain their appearance. Use a soft-bristled brush and mild detergent to remove dirt and grime from the surface of the fence posts. Rinse with clean water and allow the posts to dry completely before applying any touch-up paint.
  • Touch-up Paint: Over time, the painted concrete fence posts may develop chips, cracks, or other damage that can compromise the paint’s protective qualities. It is important to touch up any damage as soon as possible to prevent further deterioration. Use a paintbrush to apply touch-up paint to the affected areas, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Inspect for Damage: Regular inspections of the painted concrete fence posts can help identify any damage that needs to be repaired. Look for cracks, chips, or other signs of wear and tear. If damage is identified, repair it as soon as possible to prevent further deterioration.
  • Protective Coatings: Applying a protective coating to the painted concrete fence posts can help extend the life of the paint and protect the posts from the elements. There are a variety of protective coatings available on the market, including clear sealers, epoxy coatings, and polyurethane coatings. Consult with a professional to determine which coating is best for your specific needs.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your painted concrete fence posts continue to look good and provide the protection your fence needs.


In conclusion, choosing the right color for concrete fence posts can enhance the overall look of a property. The color should complement the surrounding landscape and the style of the house.

It is important to consider the durability of the paint, especially if the fence is exposed to harsh weather conditions. A high-quality paint will protect the fence from fading, chipping, and peeling.

When selecting a color, it is also important to consider the cost and time required for maintenance. Darker colors tend to require less maintenance as they do not show dirt and stains as easily as lighter colors.

Ultimately, the choice of color is a personal preference. While there are many factors to consider, the decision should be based on what the homeowner likes and what complements the property.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best color to use for painting garden fences?

The best color to use for painting garden fences is a matter of personal preference. However, neutral colors like beige, gray, and white are popular choices because they complement the surrounding landscape and do not clash with the colors of the plants.

Which brand of paint is best for painting concrete fence posts?

There are several brands of paint that are suitable for painting concrete fence posts. Some of the best brands include Rust-Oleum, Behr, and KILZ.

Can fence paint be used on concrete posts?

Yes, fence paint can be used on concrete posts. However, it is important to use a paint that is specifically formulated for use on concrete surfaces to ensure that it adheres properly and lasts for a long time.

How do you paint old concrete fence posts?

To paint old concrete fence posts, first, clean the surface thoroughly using a pressure washer or a wire brush to remove any dirt, debris, or loose paint. Then, apply a coat of concrete primer to help the paint adhere better. Finally, apply two coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next.

What are the most popular Resene fence paint colors?

The most popular Resene fence paint colors include Ironsand, Black, and Grey Friars. These colors are popular because they are neutral and complement the surrounding landscape.

What are the best fence paint colors available at Mitre 10?

Mitre 10 offers a wide range of fence paint colors, including white, beige, gray, and black. Some of the best colors for painting concrete fence posts include Dulux Weathershield, Resene Lumbersider, and Wattyl Solagard.

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